Are your calls secured? Chances are, they are NOT.

voip-encryptionVoIP Voice Traffic Encryption

Are your calls secured? If you have a SIP-based VoIP phone system – chances are they are not.

You should contact your current provider and ask if they encrypt your Voice Communication AND Signaling Messaging.

Fact #1 Most VoIP Phone Service Providers are deploying SIP based phones. SIP is a widely used standard with its content transported as readable text. Unfortunately this makes it an attractive target for hackers.

Fact #2 Broadband service providers have been known to search for SIP messages (signaling messages) and RTP packet, containing the voice conversation, and restrict their use on their networks.

Fact #3 Most Internet based VoIP Service Providers are NOT encrypting the voice traffic nor signaling message, making your conversation pretty much open to the public internet. 

Want to learn more about securing your voice traffic? Visit or call 1-855-univoip (864-8647).

Next week: Why are businesses rapidly moving to the cloud?

Snapshot: Cloud Technology saves on both initial capital expenditures and ongoing operating expenses. 


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