How Your Nonprofit Can Find the Money to Accomplish Its Mission

NONPROFIT CHALLENGE BLOG SERIES: Finding the Money to Accomplish Your Mission

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According to a Guidestar study, 46% of nonprofits find that gaining donations to fulfill their mission is the number 1 challenge they face. 

How you can change that:


Building your organization’s brand can be difficult, especially when resources and budgets are limited. A few things your organization can do is make sure that your donation page is fully branded with compelling imagery, typography and strong copy. Make your logo seen. When you have a fully developed and branded donation page, it puts confidence in the donors that they are contributing to a good cause.


With a limited budget, you would think simplification is the only option. Not true. Many organizations find themselves drowning in various different softwares, bills, unnecessary technology etc. It’s important to streamline your workflows and simplify what your organization is leveraging for success. Find ONE provider for all communications, ONE fundraising software, ONE volunteer signup software, ONE donor relationship management software, etc. Make it simple, make it easy.


When new donors come to your website, encourage that they sign up for a small monthly donation. Even $5 or $10 per month, per donor can go a long way. Show them the value in their monthly contribution and what their small donation each month will go to.


If an individual is donating to your cause, it’s likely that they want to stay in touch and see your progress. They will be opening correspondence from your organization and will be eager to be updated. Use this as an opportunity and take advantage of their investment in the cause. Let them connect with you via email, phone, mobile app, text message, contact center, etc. Always have them in the loop.



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