Why Omnichannel Engagement is Critical for Manufacturing Enterprises

Shifting to Demand-Driven Models and Empowering a Customer-Centric Culture with Omnichannel Engagement

In manufacturing today, it’s critical for enterprises to meet the trends that lay the foundation for accelerated product development as well as powerful logistics and distribution that puts the right products, in the right place, at the right time. From the ground up, manufacturing enterprises must take a unique approach to unified communications, collaboration and omnichannel engagement that allows for complete synergy of operational processes, devices, employees and their customers.

To support the increasingly real-time digital processing on multiple media channels for customer requests, factories are now forced to accelerate business without compromising on customer satisfaction, operating expenses and quality management. From a sales and marketing perspective, it’s imperative for manufacturing enterprises to equip their people, places and devices with the right tool set that manages customer interactions and promotes acquisition and retention on every level, and across every media channel.

So, in 2018, global leaders in the manufacturing industry have shifted to leveraging cloud omnichannel contact center solutions that reduce the complexity of their current communication investments while also implementing advanced customer-facing tools that improve revenue generating opportunities.

What is an Omnichannel Contact Center?

Discussion about omnichannel typically focuses on the frontend, engagement aspect: with good reason. It is a fundamental customer expectation. It is a vehicle for creating the optimal experience and opens the door to enhanced forms of engagement.

“Omnichannel” is not a fresh, foreign, exciting concept on which businesses have to “educate” customers. It is not a marketing gimmick businesses can use to excite customers.

It is something they fully understand – and increasingly take for granted.

Ultimately, omnichannel is the ticket to providing value for an empowered customer base consisting of diverse customers with diverse preferences.

A recent Contact Center Week Digital Survey revealed that 96% of businesses understand the importance of serving customers in their preferred channels.  87% have active plans to better honor channel preference.

The road to an Omnichannel, customer-centric experience involves two crucial steps: establishing a framework for omnichannel engagement, and then creating a strategy that maximizes the framework.

Learn more about Omnichannel with this special report download. 

Today’s customers are demanding fast, personalized, frictionless, resolute experiences on their own terms. An organization that is not yet omnichannel is inherently incapable of meeting these demands.

The special report operates under that notion.

It begins be revealing what omnichannel means in today’s market – and how it fits into customers’ overarching engagement demands.


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